What is the meaning of pattern Yul-Gok?

What is Reverse Turning Kick in Korean?

How many moves are in pattern Yul-Gok?

What is Front Elbow Strike in Korean?

What is X Stance in Korean?

What is 2 Step Sparring in Korean?

What is Crescent Kick in Korean?

Why do we do Semi Free Sparring?

What is Arc Hand in Korean?

What is Waist Block in Korean?

What is Semi Free Sparring in Korean?

What is Twin Vertical Punch in Korean?

What is X Fist Pressing Block in Korean?

What is Ball of the Foot in Korean?

What is Free Sparring in Korean?

What is Double Forearm Block in Korean?

What is Footsword in Korean?

What is the Ready Position for pattern Yul-Gok?

What is Hooking Block in Korean?

What does the Blue Belt signify?